Holding Pipettes
Holding Pipettes
Holding Pipettes

Holding pipettes are used for the stabilization of the oocytes during intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and the embryos during embryo biopsy procedure. Optimal tip length and design, and inner diameter size enable a precise aspiration control. Holding micropipettes are provided in two different sizes in order to meet your varying micromanipulation requirements.

ICSI Pipettes
ICSI Pipettes
ICSI Pipettes

ICSI pipettes are used to aspirate the sperm cell and inject into the oocyte during an ICSI procedure. Optimally parallel design and elbow-to-tip length enable a precise intraluminal fluid control. This feature helps a better sperm injection control and makes carriage of multiple sperms at a time possible. The ideally flexible tip design provides an effective immobilization of the sperm, without adherence of the sperm tail to the surface of the dish. Optimally designed sharp tip enables easy penetration into zona pellucida and a gentle entrance into the cytoplasm. Different ICSI pipette types with varying inner diameters, tip types and elbow angles are provided for different requirements.

Biopsy Pipettes
Biopsy Pipettes
Biopsy Pipettes

Biopsy pipettes are used for the biopsy of polar bodies from oocytes, blastomeres from cleavage stage embryos and trophectoderm cells from blastocysts, for purposes of preimplantation genetic diagnosis. The smoothed tip prevents damage to the cells, and the optimally narrowed elbow-to-tip design enables a precisely sensitive aspiration control. Biopsy micropipettes are provided in  different inner diameters in order to meet your varying micromanipulation requirements.

TESE Pipettes
TESE Pipettes
TESE Pipettes

TESE pipettes are used for sperm collection from TESE material, round spermatid injection (ROSI) and elongated spermatid injection (ELSI) during ICSI procedures. With its optimally parallel design and elbow-to-tip length, it enables a better sperm injection control and makes carriage of multiple sperms at a time possible. Optimally designed sharp tip enables easy penetration into zona pellucida and a gentle entrance into the cytoplasm. Different TESE pipette types with varying inner diameters, tip types and elbow angles are provided for different requirements.

PZD Pipettes
PZD Pipettes
PZD Pipettes

PZD pipettes are used for the mechanical, partial dissection of zona pellucida during assisted hatching procedure and/or prior to biopsy procedures from oocytes, cleavage stage embryos and blastocysts. The rapidly thickening structure from tip to elbow and the sharp closed-tip design enable an easy punching on zona pellucida with an ideal size.

AHA Pipettes
AHA Pipettes
AHA Pipettes

AHA pipettes are used for the chemical (using acid solutions) partial dissection of zona pellucida during assisted hatching procedure and/or prior to biopsy procedures from oocytes, cleavage stage embryos and blastocysts. Paralelly design long tip enables a precision fluid control.